Photo Credit: Earthy Living Juicing &  Designs by Andrea Neuhoff

Photo Credit: Earthy Living Juicing &  Designs by Andrea Neuhoff


What are yoga workshops?

Workshops are specialty classes which makes the student feel the immersion of a specific type of yoga practice or theme. They are a wonderful for a deeper understanding of a particular area of yoga, i.e.  yin, basic fundamentals, handstands or partner poses or to enjoy a whole album!

My featured workshop which still has people talking is the one above done with Beyoncé's entire Lemonade Album. The influence for this workshop was brought to me by one of my students. Once I listened to the album, I knew it was a game changer. The intensity of the album went along very well with the rise and fall of yoga postures which are simply a metaphor for life. The album also spoke to the cultural necessity for justice and brought more people together and it delivered information that would have otherwise been kept in the dark.

This workshop opened the conversation to so much more...Stay Tuned!