
What is yoga?

The word yoga means union. It is a joining together of mind, body and spirit. So often, as individuals we treat our bodies as if they are a secondary entity. And through the practice of yoga, we recognize the power of our mind which influences our bodies make up. As we practice yoga, we begin to recognize how the psychology of our mind influences our health. Yoga brings movement to our bodies and stillness to our minds which allows us to become the greatest versions of ourselves. 


Slow Moves

This class is generally done in a warm setting. The studio is between 82 and 85 degrees. This is a class that is great for new practitioners who want to move their bodies. It will introduce the student to the power of breathing and learning the importance of nostril breathing. The class features slow progressive sequences to longer holding postures which create a slow burn. 

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Vinyasa moves

This class is very energetic and will have a lot of heat. The temperature of studio is usually around 92-95 degrees. It will feature upbeat and energetic music to go along with the flow. The class introduces practitioners to creative balancing postures and flow transitions. In addition, yoga students will have more time to flow on their own.